All tagged fitness

Exercise Tutorial: Lateral Lunge

The lateral lunge is a exercise to target the glutes and hamstrings. Although both feet are planted, it's more of a single leg exercise.

In the lateral lunge, you drive your hips back and put your bodyweight onto one leg. From there, I imagine pushing the ground away with the same leg im loading and thrusting the hips forward. The side you load, is the side of the glute you’re going to feel. You should feel a stretch on your other leg from keeping it straight as you lean.

VIDEO: Seated Row Tutorial

SEATED ROW TUTORIAL - The seated row is probably one of the first machines you used in a gym yet it’s still one of the most commonly butchered exercises. A quick flip to @gymfails and you’re bound to see someone using excessive motion. It’s a seated row, not a seated back extension. But i digress. Aside from that, there are harder to see mistakes like lack proper shoulder blade movement, range of motion and only using biceps.

Alcohol & Weight Loss (Tips for drinking when dieting down)

the people that I train who identify as heavy drinkers usually have a hard time controlling their calorie intake. 1. Drinks never have nutrition labels making it difficult to track 2. After downing a few drinks, you most likely forgot how much you've consumed. 3. You decided "F my diet" 4. Post-alcohol munchies

On top of all this, 5. fat burning is suppressed in the short term. So all calorie consumption during and after a night of drinking is more likely to be shuttled into fat stores.

However, it is possible to still reach your weight/fat loss goals! An alcohol calorie is still a calorie. So if you stay in a calorie deficit by the end of the day, week, month or year - you will lose weight.